*See CV for a more complete list of teaching experiences.
CSE 510: Introduction to HCI (graduate)
Guest lecturer, Instructor: James Fogarty, February 2022, approximately 50 students
Topic: Experimental design and statistical analysis
Introduced key concepts related to validity, study design, Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST), and linear modeling with three learning goals:
- (i) grow an understanding of experimental design and statistical analysis terminology,
- (ii) identify practical considerations for the application of experimental design and statistical methodology, and
- (iii) develop a cognitive framework for approaching and reasoning through knowledge and gaps in knowledge (how to ask for help!)
Topic: Programming as Interaction: PL + HCI: Analysis authoring tools for statistical non-experts.
- Introduced research at the intersection of human-computer interaction and programming languages,
- Used my research as a case study for need-finding, theory building, and tool development at the intersection
CSE 442: Data Visualization (undergraduate)
Graduate TA, Instructor: Matthew Conlen, Winter 2020, approx. 100 undergraduates
Project-based data visualization course
CSE 440: Introduction to HCI (undergraduate)
Graduate TA, Instructor: James Fogarty, Winter 2017, approx. 60 undergraduates
Project-based introductory course on HCI methods and topics